Thursday, February 7, 2013

Colonial House - Where Are They Now?

As some of you watch Colonial House, I thought it would be interesting to post some YouTube videos of cast members and their recollections of the series and how it influenced their lives.  The easiest to find was a bit from Oprah.  Oprah Winfrey and her friend Gayle King visited the show while it was being filmed.  In this clip Oprah and Gayle share a meal with one of the families.

And then several years later, the same family revisited.

Remember Dominic Muir?  In the video picture above he's on the bottom right with the dog.  I found the following video clip on YouTube.  I thought it was interesting to compare his statement here (really the first 2:30 minutes of the video) with The Great Awakening book, document #11 by Hannah Heaton.

For a more modern version of a George Whitefield style minister see below, especially 1:40-3:15.

And for something really different, check out this photograph of Don Wood, one of the freemen on Colonial House.  Since the series he's become an actor in low budget horror movies, both writing and acting in them.  A nice headshot, though quite different from his look on Colonial House.

Finally, there is an interivew with Julia Friese (another of the servants) about her experience on the show soon after it was made.  Check it out here:

In just a random search of cast members this is what I came up with.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I tried re-watching this show recently. Still a bitter disappointment from PBS, but I was wondering what had happened to the cast (that word used purposefully).
