Saturday, January 12, 2013

Good Neighbors and Burned Marshmallows

One of my New Year resolutions is to entertain more, be a bit more spontaneous, and try a few things out of my comfort zone.  Today I risked #1 and #2.  Result:  At least the house is still standing.

After a morning of errands and an afternoon of UNC basketball and a haircut, the skies cleared into a beautiful winter afternoon (temperatures in the low 70s).  I quickly texted a couple of friends to join me on the back porch for some refreshments as we watched sunset.  I threw out some peanuts, almonds and some really tasty watermelon.  Still in my 1970s nostalgia haze (see previous post), I decided to offer up a simple treat we made when I was a's kind of smorelike, but a poorer man's version...toasted marshmallows on Ritz Crackers.  (This is actually really yummy, you get the sweet and salty in  one bite.  Place a few Ritz Crackers on a baking sheet, then just plop a marshmallow on each one.  Place in a heated oven until the marshmallows melt inside.) 

Important reminder:  Don't forget to check on the oven.  I so enjoyed my company and the nice winter afternoon, that a treat that should cook for 2 minutes was in the oven for about 15 or 20.  One guest looked into the kitchen and asked, "why is smoke pouring out of your oven"? 

P-R-E-S-S  P-A-N-I-C  B-U-T-T-O-N

Needless to say, sunset viewing turned into gasping, and doors and windows being flung open to let in some fresh the way burned marshmallows are not such an inviting aroma.  End result, everything is fine.  I came away with some awesome photographs of epic fail party food.


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